Silence Murmur. Detached Bodies and Cities in Takis Ch. Zenetos’ Electronic Urbanism Presentation by Panos Dragonas at the event “Takis Ch. Zenetos 2022. Archival
NO-STOP FARM CLOSE Return No Stop Farm No-Stop Farm Participation of the Department of Architecture, University of Patras at the “6th Tallinn Architecture Biennale”
BUILDERS & HOUSEWIVES CLOSE Return Builders & Housewives Builders, Housewives and the Construction of Modern Athens A documentary about the Athenian Polykatoikia Produced by
Athens Urban Stories: The Athenian block of flats A documentary about the multiple roles of apartment buildings in shaping both the familiar urban landscape
SILENCE MURMUR CLOSE Detached Bodies and cities in Takis Ch. Zenetos’ Electronic Urbanism Essay by Panos Dragonas and Lydia Kallipoliti published in AA Files
Catalogue for the exhibition “Tomorrows: Urban fiction for possible futures” Edited by: Daphne Dragona, Panos Dragonas Publisher: Onassis Cultural Center – Athens Designed by: