
Participation in the 2024 ESO Conference
Panos Dragonas was one of the keynote speakers at the 12th ESO Interior Design & Architecture Conference, which took place at the Athens Concert Hall with the general theme “Down to Earth”.
Best Architecture & Design firms in Greece
Dragonas Studio is included in Archisearch & Design Ambassador’s list of the top 100+ architecture and design firms in Greece.

Commendation in architectural competition
For the “Regeneration of Exarchia Square, Athens”. Architects: P. Dragonas, A. Proimou.


Scientific Consultant for Film
Panos Dragonas is the Scientific Consultant for Tassos Langis and Yiannis Gaitanidis’ documentary ‘Builders, Housewives and the Construction of Modern Athens’.
An Onassis Culture production. The film premiered at Athens International Film Festival “Opening Nights” 2021 (Official Competition).
Publication for Takis Ch. Zenetos
Panos Dragonas, Lydia Kallipoliti, “Silence Murmur: Detached Bodies and Cities in Takis Ch. Zenetos’ Electronic Urbanism”, AA Files 77 (2020), pp.17-27.

“Tomorrows” in Nantes Exhibition Curator
The exhibition “Tomorrows – Fictions spéculatives pour l’avenir méditerranéen” at Le Lieu Unique in Nantes -FR was curated by Daphne Dragona and Panos Dragonas and designed by Panos Dragonas and Varvara Christopoulou.
Co-organized by Le Lieu Unique and Onassis Stegi. Nantes, 27.3- 2.6.2019.

“Hutte Urbaine” in Olivier Darmon, Habiter les toits, Paris: Éditions Alternatives, 2018.

“Tomorrows” in Athens Exhibition Curator
The exhibition “Tomorrows – Urban Fictions for Possible Futures” at the Diplareios School in Athens was curated by Daphne Dragona and Panos Dragonas and designed by Panos Dragonas and Varvara Christopoulou. Organized by the Onassis Cultural Centre. Athens, 16.5- 16.7.2017.
Ioanna Theocharopoulou, Builders, Housewives and the Construction of Modern Athens, London: Artifice, 2017, pp.174-176.

Lecture at the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem
Panos Dragonas was invited to give a lecture and participate at a round table discussion in Jerusalem under the theme of “Other Urbanism(s)”.
Stanley J. Seeger Visiting Research Fellow, Princeton University
Panos Dragonas was a visiting research fellow at the Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies for the Fall 2016 semester. The topic of his research was “The Filmed Apartment: Biopolitics of Domesticity in Modern Athens.”

Frances E. Hares Preservation Lecturer at the Syracuse School of Architecture.
Panos Dragonas was invited to give a lecture on the studio’s recent research and design work at the Syracuse University School of Architecture.

“Adhocracy [Athens]” Exhibition Curator
The exhibition “Adhocracy [Athens] – From Making Things to Making the Commons” was co-curated by Panos Dragonas and designed by Panos Dragonas and Varvara Christopoulou. Curated by dpr-barcelona (Ethel Baraona Pohl, César Reyes Nájera) and Pelin Tan.
Organized by the Onassis Cultural Centre. Athens, 29.4- 5.7.2015.
“The Great Escape,” Global trends influencing home furnishing report, IKEA, April 2015, pp.4-6.

Participation in the exhibition “The Minimum Structure”
With the project “Detached – Urban Hut in Athens”. Curated by A. Artinos. Romantso, Athens, 04.11-13.11.2014.
Αποστόλης Αρτινός, Η ελάχιστη δομή, Αθήνα: Κριτική, 2014, σ.94.
Participation in the inaugural presentation of DOMES INDEX
Presentation of the project “Apartment Building at Pagkrati”. Athens, 14.06.2013.

“Rethink Athens” Exhibition Curator
The exhibition of the results of the European Architectural Competition for the Creation of a New City Centre in Athens “Rethink Athens” was curated by Panos Dragonas and designed by Panos Dragonas and Varvara Christopoulou.
Organized by the Onassis Foundation. Athens, 27.02-10.03.2013/14-26.03.2013.
Presentation in the digital edition of Phaidon Atlas
With the project “Apartment Building at Pagkrati”.
Alexander Tzonis and Alcestis P. Rodi, Greece: Modern Architectures in History, London: Reaktion Books, 2013, pp.245-249.

National Commissioner at the Venice Biennale
The exhibition “Made in Athens” was the Greek participation at the 2012 Venice Biennale of architecture. It was curated by Panos Dragonas and Anna Skiada who were selected as national commissioners of the Greek participation at the 13th International Architecture Exhibition -la Biennale di Venezia.
Organized by the Hellenic Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climatic Change. Venice, 29.08-25.11.2012.
“14F/21GR” Exhibition Curator
The exhibition “14F/21GR – Young Architects in France and Greece” was curated and designed by Panos Dragonas and Anna Skiada.
Organized by the Hellenic Institute of Architecture, the French Institute of Greece, and the Benaki Museum. Athens, 7.02-24.03.2012.
Participation in the exhibition “Public City / Δημόσια πόλη”
With the projects “Regeneration of Theatrou Square, Athens” and “Regeneration of Dimosthenis Sotiriou Square, Markopoulo”.
Organized by the Technical Chamber of Greece / Department of Central Macedonia. Garden of Roses, Thessaloniki New Waterfront, 15.10-30.10.2011.
Distinction (purchase) in architectural competition
For the “Regeneration of Theatrou Square, Athens”. Architects: P. Dragonas, V. Christopoulou.

“It’s all Greek to me”: Lecture – presentation of the studio’s architectural work
Panos Dragonas and Varvara Christopoulou were invited by the Hellenic Institute of Architecture to give a lecture on the studio’s work. Athens, 15.10.2009.
Participation in Pecha Kucha Athens volume #2
Panos Dragonas and Varvara Christopoulou presented their recent work at a Pecha Kucha night. Athens, 08.05.2009.
Participation in the exhibition “Deadline Today! 99+ stories on making architectural competitions”
With the project “Regeneration of Dimosthenis Sotiriou Square, Markopoulo”.
Organized by Wonderland – Platform for Architecture. AzW Architekturzentrum Wien, 18.06-20.07.2009.
Participation in the exhibition “Housing in Greece from the 20th to 21st Century”
With the project “Apartment Building at Pagkrati”. Organized by the Hellenic Institute of Architecture. Athens, 23.01-15.03.2009.
Γιώργος Αγγελόπουλος, “deltArCHI – Πάνος Δραγώνας – Βαρβάρα Χριστοπούλου: Σε πορεία επαναπροσδιορισμού στοιχείων της τοπικής κουλτούρας,” Ελληνικές Κατασκευές 137 (Μάιος 2009), σσ.68-75.
Δημήτρης Α. Φατούρος, Ίχνος Χρόνου – Αφηγήσεις για τη νεώτερη ελληνική αρχιτεκτονική, Αθήνα: Καστανιώτης, 2009, σσ.64, 195-196, 231, 446.
“Πολυκατοικία στο Παγκράτι,” Η κατοικία στην Ελλάδα από τον 20ο στον 21ο αιώνα, Αθήνα: ΕΙΑ, 2009, σ.48.
Participation in the exhibition “The shape of the landscape: 40 years of Architectonica Themata”
With the project “Apartment Building at Pagkrati”.
Organized by the Department of Architecture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Hellenic Institute of Architecture and the Benaki Museum. Athens, 19.03-11.05.2008.
“Housing Complex at Palaiopanagia, Nafpaktos,” Design + Art in Greece 39 (2008), pp.138-140.
“Polykatoikia (Apartment building)” in Joachim Fischer, Chris van Uffelen (Eds.), 1000X European Architecture, Berlin: Verlagshaus Braun, 2007, p.1003.
Honorary Mention in architectural competition
For a “Model Complex of Vacation Houses in Skroponeri”. Architects: P. Dragonas, V. Christopoulou.
Participation in the exhibition “5th Pan-Hellenic Exhibition of Architectural Work”
With the project “Complex of 9 houses at Palaiopanagia, Nafpaktos”.
Organized by the Association of Architects of Achaia Prefecture. Patras, 4.11-26.11.2006.

Participation in the exhibition “Invisible hotel”
With the project “Sous les pavés, la plage”. Curated by Memos Filippidis.
Organized by Carteco. Deste Foundation. Athens, 19.04-23.04.2005.

“Polykatoikia at Pagkrati, Athens” in Jakub Kyncl, 39 Living in the City, Brno: Era, 2005, σ.102-105.
“Apartment building in Pangrati, Athens” in Orestis Doumanis (Ed.), Contemporary Architecture in Greece, Athens: Architecture in Greece, 2005, pp.72-73.

Dimitris Fatouros, “Sei progetti di giovani architetti ateniesi,” Archi 1 (2005), p.15.
“Polykatoikia,” in Archi 1 (2005), p.38-41.
2nd Prize in architectural competition (after pre-selection)
For the “New Cultural Centre at Kollas Warehouses at Patras”. Architects: Th. Dragonas, P. Dragonas, V. Christopoulou.
Participation in the “Fourth Biennale of Young Greek Architects”
With the projects “Apartment Building at Pagkrati ” and “New Town Hall and Plaza at Missolonghi”.
Organized by the Hellenic Institute of Architecture. Athens, 03.11-21.11.2004.
Ανδρέας Γιακουμακάτος, “Από την ‘υπέρβαση του διπόλου’ στον νέο αστικό συμβολισμό” στο Τέταρτη Μπιενάλε Νέων Ελλήνων Αρχιτεκτόνων, Αθήνα: ΕΙΑ, 2004, σ.18.
“Polykatoikia (apartment building) at Pangrati, Athens,” Stavba 5 (2004), p.48-49.
Penelope Haralambidou, “New architecture in the city of white noise,” Blueprint 222 (August 2004), p.50.
“Apartment building in Pangrati, Athens,” Design + Art in Greece 35 (2004), pp.152-155.
Yannis Aesopos, “Die ‘Polykatoikia’ als Modul der modernen Stadt,” Bauwelt 29-04 (30 Juli 2004), p.22-23.

L’architecture d’aujourd’hui 345 (2003), pp.78-83.
Δημήτρης Α. Φατούρος, Η επιμονή της αρχιτεκτονικής, Αθήνα: Καστανιώτης, 2003, σ. 198.
Participation in the exhibition “Athens-Scape: The 2004 Olympics and the Metabolism of the City”
With the projects “Regeneration of Dimosthenis Sotiriou Square, Markopoulo” and “Proposal for Ermou Street”.
Organized by the General Secretariat of Olympic Works 2004 – Ministry of Culture. Curated by Maria Theodorou. Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), London, 22.04-24.05.2003.
Participation in the “Third Biennale of Young Greek Architects – Places of Nomadic Dwelling”
With the projects “Regeneration of Dimosthenis Sotiriou Square, Markopoulo” and “Proposal for Ermou Street”.
Organized by the Hellenic Institute of Architecture. Curated by Yro Tsiouni, Dimitra Chatzisavva. Athens, 28.11-20.12.2001.
Distinction (purchase) in architectural competition
For the “New Building Complex and Public Space for the Livadia Town Hall”.
Architects: P. Dragonas, V. Christopoulou.
Participation in the “3rd Pan-Hellenic Exhibition of Architectural Work”
With the projects “Regeneration of Koumoundourou Square, Athens”, “Regeneration of Dimosthenis Sotiriou Square, Markopoulo”, “Regeneration of Pythagoras Square, Samos”, “Regeneration of Athanaton Square, Chalkis”, ” Regeneration of Omonoia Square, Athens”.
Organized by the Association of Architects of Achaia Prefecture. Patras, 15.06-25.06.2000.
“Square Landscaping in Markopoulo, Attica,” Architecture in Greece 34 (2000), pp.186-187.
Participation in the exhibition “Landscapes of Modernization: Greek architecture in the 1960’s and the 1990’s”
With the project “Regeneration of Dimosthenis Sotiriou Square, Markopoulo “.
Organized by the Greek Embassy in the Netherlands.
Curated by Yannis Aesopos, Yorgos Simeoforidis. Netherlands Institute of Architecture (NAi), Rotterdam, 05.02-21.03.1999.
“Public square, Markopoulo, Attica” in Yiannis Aesopos, Yorgos Simeoforidis (Eds.), Landscapes of Modernization, Athens: Metapolis, 1999, p.247.
Yorgos Simeoforidis, “Giovani Architetti Greci,” Spazio e Societa 86 (1999), p.43.

“2nd Biennale of Young Greek Architects” Exhibition Curator
The “2nd Biennale of Young Greek Architects” was curated and designed by Panos Dragonas.
Organized by the Hellenic Institute of Architecture, the Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, and the Municipality of Athens, General Secretariat of Youth.
Athens, 3-23.4.1998. Thessaloniki, 6.5–13.6.1998.
1st Prize in architectural competition
For the “Regeneration of Dimosthenis Sotiriou Square, Markopoulo”. Architects: P. Dragonas, V. Christopoulou.
2nd Prize in architectural competition
For the “Regeneration of Athanaton Square, Chalkis”. Architects: P. Dragonas, V. Christopoulou.
3rd Prize in architectural competition
For the “Regeneration of Omonia Square, Athens”. Architects: P. Dragonas, V. Christopoulou.
1st Prize in architectural competition
For the “Regeneration of Pythagoras Square, Samos”. Architects: P. Dragonas, Y. Exarchou.
Distinction in UIA’s architectural competition “Convivial Spaces”.
Architects: P. Dragonas, E. Handelis.
Distinction (purchase) in architectural competition
For the “Regeneration of the Vrahon Theatre Area, Athens”. Architects: Th. Dragonas, P. Dragonas.