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Hinge House

HINGE HOUSE CLOSE Return Hinge house Residence at Petrothalassa, Porto Heli -GR Architect: Panos Dragonas Associates: Margarita Togia, Yro Tsirozidi Structural Engineer: Konstantinos Tzimas
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EXARCHIA CLOSE Return Exarchia Regeneration of Exarchia Square, Athens -GR Commendation in architectural competition, 2023 Architects: Panos Dragonas, Agapi Proimou Landscape architect: Stella Pantelia
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Sapountzi & Togia

AUTO FOODSCAPES CLOSE Return Sapountzi & Togia Automated Foodscapes: Redefining Culinary Landscapes Diploma project at the Department of Architecture, University of Patras (2023) Architects:
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Infrastructures of Idleness

IDLENESS CLOSE Return Idleness Infrastructures of Idleness Architectural Design 8 Studio at the Department of Architecture, University of Patras Professor: Panos Dragonas Teaching Assistant:
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Athens 2050

ATHENS 2050 CLOSE Athens 2050 Essay by: Panos Dragonas June 2050. Many people walk on the beach of Elliniko. After years, bathers can enjoy
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Aeschinou Street

AESCHINOU STREET CLOSE Return Aeschinou Street Regeneration of Aeschinou Street, Athens -GR Architects: Panos Dragonas, Sotiris Theodosopoulos Associates: Stella Theodosopoulou, Vivian Theodosopoulou, Konstantina Papathanasiou,
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Cinema, Architecture & the City

CINEMA CLOSE Return Cinema, Architecture & the City Cinema, Architecture, and the City Elective Course at the Department of Architecture, University of Patras Professor:
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Sakellariou & Tsifoutidou

SAKELLARIOU & TSIFOUTIDOU CLOSE Return Sakellariou & Tsifoutidou For the vacationer of the unwanted coast Diploma project at the Department of Architecture, University of
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ePOLYKATOIKIA CLOSE Return ePolykatoikia ePolykatoikia Architectural Design 7/9 Studio at the Department of Architecture, University of Patras Professor: Panos Dragonas Eirini Alexopoulou (2022-23) The
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Silence Murmur Talk

Silence Murmur. Detached Bodies and Cities in Takis Ch. Zenetos’ Electronic Urbanism Presentation by Panos Dragonas at the event “Takis Ch. Zenetos 2022. Archival
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